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About Us

We're a pretty goofy couple, let's get the facts straight up front. In addition to being silly, Ali and I are both extremely caring and determined to squeeze the most out of this life we're given. We are avid home cooks, hikers, bikers, and eager hosts of anyone willing to visit. Hosting friends and family to grill out on our rooftop is one of our simpler joys in life. 

Ali is from NYC, but went to college in Canada. Marcie is from Maryland and Pennsylvania, but has also lived in Ohio. We've established a strong network of friends in each of these locations and are fortunate enough to travel often to visit them. When not visiting friends, we try to explore new parks and cities as much as possible.

While we met just before the pandemic, we bonded (virtually) over cooking, being active, and travel ideas. Once we rejoined in person, it was easy to see our bond was stronger than either of us realized. After quarantining in a studio apartment for a few months, we figured we could withstand any challenge put in front of us! 

We are fortunate to have an extremely supportive group of friends in the city. Additionally, our families are nearby and ready to give future grandchildren an abundance of love. Overall, we're in a good place to take this next step and excited about whatever it brings!

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About Ali

As Written by Marcie

This is one of my favorite photos of Ali. It represents what Ali is to me:  a ray of sunshine. She makes me smile, laugh, and lives life in an idealistic way that is admirable. She's carefree and easygoing, but good luck stopping her once she's on a mission. She's caring and loyal to her friends and family, no matter what. 

Ali works as a scientist, studying the mysteries of the human body. She's passionate about sharing science with everyone she can, and is very eager to share this love with a future child. I have no doubt she will be an active mother, fostering a love of nature, curiosity, and learning. It is so easy to for me to imagine her as a mother, providing the support and structure children thrive in while being her adorable, goofy self. 

About Marcie

As Written by Ali

Marcie is a unique combination of adventurous and practical, always making big plans (like this giant plate of sushi) and then putting the steps in place to make sure they happen.

As a civil engineer, Marcie manages large projects to build highways. In her work and her personal life, it brings Marcie joy to make people's lives a little easier.  She makes the people around her feel cared for and understood - and importantly, she makes me laugh. 

Marcie also loves teaching, training young engineers and volunteering on the weekends teaching adults to ride bikes. She is eager to bring her patience, caring and kindness to parenthood, nurturing a child while also fostering confidence and independence. 

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About Monkey

(the cat)

A description of our family would not be complete without Monkey. He's a very sweet, affectionate cat with a big personality. We joke that he's a dog-cat, as he greets us at the door and begs for food. He's well-trained and will come for kisses at any time! 

Monkey loves food and snuggles, sleeping in his chair (ok, his two chairs) and playing with his feather wand. He's been curious about babies that he's encountered before, and we can't wait for him to fall in love with another snuggle buddy.

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